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SP&QR Admissions Procedure

Admissions Procedure

Parents wishing to enrol their children at Kemnay Primary School are welcome to visit the school at any time. The Head Teacher (or Depute Head Teacher) is always willing to show parents round the school and discuss any issues raised.


Parents wishing to enrol their children in the Nursery may do so in February prior to entry in the next academic session. An advertisement will also appear in the local papers, usually at the beginning of February each year. Admission to nursery is in accordance with Aberdeenshire Education and Recreation Department’s Criteria for Admission Policy.


It should be noted that if a child is admitted to nursery through these criteria, but is not within the school catchment area, and wishes to continue at Kemnay Primary School, a Parental Placing Request form requires to be submitted to the Authority. There is no guarantee that this placing request will be granted.


New entrants to P1 are enrolled in January for entry to school the following August.  This applies to children who will be five in or before August.  Children whose birthday falls between the end of August and the 28 February the following year may also be admitted to P1. Parents however are not legally obliged to send their children to school until the beginning of the session following their child’s fifth birthday.


Parents of the children who are already attending nursery will receive notification of the enrolment date from the Head Teacher.  An advertisement will also appear in the local papers, usually at the beginning of January each year.  Parents are invited to contact the school of their choice with a view to enrolling their child.  Parents of children who live out with the school’s catchment area and who wish their child to attend Kemnay Primary School are required to complete a placing request form which will be considered by the education authority.